Saturday, March 19, 2011

Toy Medical Trolleywith A Heart Monitor

Europe against Gheddaffi

Europe against Gheddaffi

editorial n.29

E'arrivata, after weeks of the series, the no-fly zones of Europe on Libya.
French airline, but they also aggiutnti U.S., Italy, England and Canada, the impatient with Sarkozy, have attacked the Libyan tanks and Tripoli, while Italy will aeree.Molti bases destroyed tanks, cruise missiles statuninensi hunting Tripoli. 4 Ben French air raids in the afternoon. "The Odyssey Dawn", is called Operation.
were also affected the anti-Libyan, we talk about human shields in the hot zones of Tripoli.
The U.S. command has the commando operation, which will not go into the ground.
Bossi: 'The world is' full of famous Democrats, who are very able to make their interests, while we are very able to take it in that spot: sometimes the greatest courage is caution. "
Gheddaffi to the French and English said "regret it", but Europe, after sanctions began to write a response to the Libyan rebels. Obama told the raid to stop fighting, he responded by sending tanks against the rebels near Benghazi , an area key to the control of the country.
Decimomannu Air Base, about 25 km from Cagliari, was opened at 19.30 to aircraft engaged in the mission of the international force in Libya. The first to land was a English tanker, aircraft for supplies, which will follow a Canadian aircraft of the same type. In the evening are expected to at least four other English F18. Decimomannu is one of seven bases made available by the Ministry of Defence for missione.Bossi complains about the possible arrival of new immigrants, the government asseconderà the EU.
'Colonel Muammar Gaddafi is living her last hours'. It is said that al-Fatha Bahja, spokesman for the National Council Libyan opposition, during a telephone link with the Arabic television 'al-Jazeera'. "With the international military intervention we can demonstrate that they are able to defeat the brigades of Gaddafi - he added - you'll soon see how mercenaries and criminals in the pay of Gaddafi surrender. Now we can eliminate the forces of the regime. "
A demonstration in favor of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi was held this evening by the Libyan regime even at the airport of Gadames. This was announced by Libyan state television, which sottlinea as" the event participate in youth and children. "Oltra to Gadames, the regime has organized similar events in the airports of Tripoli, Sirte and Sebah to avoid air raids. On this scale, in fact, there are some hunting Libyan army.
's response Libya to the UN resolution is "worrying." said the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. E ' hard to believe the leaders of Tripoli when they say that it had ceased fire. There is no confidence in the way they act and this is worrying. Ban Ki-Moon has reportedly had a phone call last night with the Libyan Prime Minister: "He told me that the government in Tripoli was strictly adhere to the UN resolution and that there would be an immediate ceasefire. Instead, during the night they attacked Benghazi and this is very worrying, and what they say, should be checked. "
The Libyan state television: "We are victims of a Crusader-Zionist Jew Sarkozy."
And the beginning of a European response, with the risks of an area crucial to the oil. A control for a resource running out, and after the disaster Japanese, it is crucial that no dittattore should use for his services.
In Japan, the reactors less tanned, 5 and 6, are cooled and returned part of the cooling system in Fukushima. Although it seems that the waters of Tokyo may be contaminated, so here preccauzionalmente iodine pills to the remaining population.
The discovery of traces of radioactivity in Tokyo and food - milk and spinach - contaminated by radiation releases from nuclear power increases the anxiety in the country and makes it even more difficult situation of the nearly 400 thousand displaced people stranded in areas devastated by the earthquake and tsunami. The water sample tested positive contained 1.5 becquerels per kilogram of iodine 131, a apercentuale well below the limit of 300 bequerels fixed by law.
The refugees are grappling not only with radiation, with the lack of energy for heating and shortages of all basic necessities caused by 'impracticability of the roads made worse by the increasingly frequent rejection of the drivers to reach the areas most at risk, and temperatures that dropped to 5 degrees below zero.
Yemen: Sanna'a tensions in the capital, deaths and injuries. Saleh's government has declared a state of emergency, with demonstrations by opponents.
Sanaa is
A "medical emergency" says Aodi, who is also chairman of the foreign doctors in Italy (AMSI), "hospitals are not enough to accommodate the wounded" who "were also brought in the mosques" because "c 'has no place even in tents. " "Physicians who are in contact with us from Yemen are asking for help," says Aodi, also claim that "an intervention by the international community" because "it does not happen what is happening in Libya." In Yemen, he concludes, "there is a real risk of civil war."

Italy won its battle to Strasbourg. The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights has paid from the charge of violation of human rights for the display of crucifixes in classrooms. With

sentence final appeal, the judges of the body of the Council of Europe stated that, while the crucifix in the classrooms of the class attended by children of the woman who has used, "the authorities have acted within the discretion of available to Italy as part of its obligations to respect, in the exercise of functions which it assumes in education and teaching, the right of parents to provide education in accordance with their religious and philosophical convictions. " The crucifix, in particular, is not considered by the judges in Strasbourg an element of "Indoctrination."

state of agitation ANM, April 5 will be discussed with Napolitano, against the reform of Justice.
agitation was voted by all members of the judiciary, including "independent judiciary", the current 'conservative' which is not party to the ANM and that came two years' of opposition in Parlamentino robes. The document expresses "firm opposition" to the reform of justice, causing a "sharp deterioration in the balance of powers." But was not approved a motion calling for an independent judiciary that the "institutional correctness" condemning "isolated initiatives" that give the appearance of role political.
On the nuclear issue, also comes Tremonti, who speaks of the cost of the disposal plant to be calculated.
If other countries do not have nuclear power should recalculate the GDP. "" Just think - he continued - that in the calculation of those who have nuclear power is not considered the cost of decommissioning (dismantling of nuclear plants, ed). "A cost According to the minister, "surely must be calculated and if it did, many of the countries that have more of our GDP would be back."
"What happened in Japan - said the minister - a key issue that arises is that energy. It is more difficult that everything goes on as before, it is easier a period of reflection and calculation. "

Obviously if you put more money to energy such as solar, wind, geothermal, and breath that could provide resources to the Earth in general.
although it will take years to completely replace non-renewable resources.
From Monday there will be compulsory conciliation, that is March 21 for many civil cases will no longer be possible to apply to the courts without first trying the way of mediation before one of the accredited bodies. Only if the parties will agree on that occasion you will go to court. I doubt the effectiveness and convenience of the new procedures are many. And they come from different categories, starting with the lawyers who have decided to abstain from hearing March 16 to 22 in protest against both the compulsory conciliation and against the bill, which relies on 600 auxiliaries, lawyers and judges in the state pension, the disposal of the backlog calendar. Concerns were also expressed by Sunia, tenants' union that speaks of privatization of justice. ( guide).
One last question. Why Berlusconi becomes friends with people like the Belarusian president, Putin, Gheddaffi?
The answer: let us look around.


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