Monday, March 14, 2011

Sayings For Retirement Cakes

editorial n.28

nuclear fears among Italians and comments
Publishing n.28
After the terrible disaster Japanese, including tsunami and earthquake, here are the nuclear fears.
A Fukushima, there have been serious radioactive leaks, while there are alarms in two other plants.
missing cooling water to the bars, some are partially fused. Some explosion, fear so much.
Japanese Prime Minister, says that is the worst crisis since World War II.
Japan has asked the U.S. to aid cooling.
Meanwhile, potholes, landslides, dismantled, viaducts and debris have changed the face of Japan.
in Japan say there will be another Chernobyl, but in Europe there was a warning increndibile.
4 stations in California, would on alert. Angela Merkel, German chancellor, has closed two nuclear power plants have an older, in France, there were reminders of the French who live in Japan.
Switzerland has blocked work on a nuclear power plant's environment ministers will meet in Brussels to discuss solutions.
Indian Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, announced that it will be verified the safety of all nuclear reactors in India.

In France, the Greens have proposed to the Government for a referendum on nuclear power. MEP Daniel Cohn-Bendit said that France "must ask the question of the necessity of nuclear energy. The head of the French nuclear safety Andre-Claude Lacoste states from For his part that the nuclear disaster in Japan is more serious than Three Mile Island (USA, 1979) but not the level of Chernobyl.
The British take their time. "It's too early to say whether the Fukushima nuclear accident will delay plans to build new reactors in the United Kingdom," said an official of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the UK authority for nuclear safety, which the Government sought to "draw conclusions" from the earthquake in Japan.
The Finnish Government Agency has commissioned a new study on the safety plans of nuclear installations.
The nuclear accident in Japan 'influence' The debate on nuclear power in Belgium: the said Interior Minister Annemie Turtelboom. "What happens in Japan will influence our thinking on the extension or not 'the life of the seven reactors in Belgium.
What is happening in Fukushima will have no impact on the choices instead of Belarus. The President Alexandr Lukahsneko not intend to abandon the station and is the baptism of the first Tuesday in Minsk will be the signing of an agreement with Russia to build an atomic plant to be operated in 2017.
The euro-deputy Daniel Cohn-Bendit, in an interview, said: "The nuclear does not give absolute security, the Japanese drama is the tragic confirmation the farewell to the atom is a civil duty to future generations of mankind future.I governments reflect: it is worth taking risks (p.9 republic)? ".
Justice Reform: the transition process under short will be canceled, he said. pd will listen and magistrates, while Berlusconi stated that "prosecutors are citizens and separate careers exist in all countries.
When wrong is right that the courts are charged. "
Scajola, is returning to politics. Think of his party, disappointed by Berlusconi, and could take 35 MPs.
While Gelmini indicates that there are too many janitors and less carabinieri, dirty classrooms and teachers are too Piazza who send their children to private. For
Gelmini "the real point is that of resources, but how they are invested. The government has not made cuts in school, but to waste. The expense for the school in recent years has in fact increased by 30 percent, it is not diminished.
Barroso, President of EU Commission, who received an honorary degree at the University Luiss, commented: "It is not wise to cut the science, education and culture."
Fini said. "It makes our university more competitive," said Speaker of the House. That, if he sees a risk, he sees in the resources. "The point is underfunded. The reform will be even more effective if we will be the economic recovery and in turn, increased public investment. "And on the issue of resources has also insisted the president of Confindustria Emma Marcegaglia:" We must invest in growth, university and school. We must and can do more, this is one of the few fields in which the government must continue to invest money. "

In Padua, the cuts in renewable energy would layoff about companies that are working to improve the country.
to Gelmini who had spoken to school dirty and caretakers' more
many of the policemen, "replicate the unions. If the Italian schools are dirty you can see that the management is not adequate - says the general secretary of Uil, Luigi Angeletti - Who runs the school? Not us. The janitors are not too many. "While the secretary of the CISL, Raffaele Bonanni, it is known" that many schools are unattended for lack of janitors and Italian teachers have the lowest wages in Europe ".
Libya: Rais is recovering with a counter some cities, Benghazi is ready to resist.
forces loyal to the regime of Gaddafi advancing more and more towards Benghazi, home of the National Council of the insurgents. After a day of fighting yesterday, the front line has shifted more towards the east and the city controlled by insurgents gradually fall into the hands of the army. Forti bombings are going on Ajdabiyah point strategy on the coast east of Benghazi where the army is hoping to encircle the rebel stronghold. To achieve Ajdabiyah the way of the wilderness, however, the forces of Gaddafi must first ensure complete control of the port of Brega.
police unions before Arcore the lack increases. The premier promised increases, falling from his villa.
To understand why this division of the police unions should go back to last Friday, when the Deputy Assistant Commissioner of Police, Nicola Izzo, the interior ministry has summoned all the unions that had joined the demonstration today. "On that occasion - said Franco Maccari, general secretary Coisp - Izzo asked us to suspend the event. The premier, Izzo told us, in return, we would have approved of the increases to the Council of Ministers on 23 March. And this would happen in the absence of Tremonti, since the last cdm, when discussing increases in the security sector with ministers Maroni and The Russian, had gone out. "

Events in Bahrain after Saudi Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates have also begun to send troops in Bahrain, to help "maintain order and stability" in the area. From the U.S., the administration has called on the Gulf Cooperation Council to "respect the protesters in Bahrain. "
While Salsomaggiore waiver to welcome Miss Italy after 40 years of activity, the crisis, legal news coming.
"In the Italian public offices, which include also the courtroom, you can only display the symbol of the crucifix." To expose religious symbols would take a different law. But now that does not exist. The combined sections of the Civil Court of Cassation confirmed that the removal from judicial Luigi Tosti, 1The magistrate of the court of Camerino, sanctioned by the CSM with the loss of the post for refusing to hold a hearing because of the presence of the crucifix Italian in court. According to the Supreme Court decision that is correct.

latest news: despite European fears of nuclear power, Italy continues. Since the regions disagreed, there was a referendum of citizens a few years ago, it is not clear so stupid stubbornness. Let's see if they change their minds if something serious happens in Japan.


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