workers accompanying the just protest against the signing of the legitimate demand for a separate referendum for all employees to enable them to comment on the employment contract that affects them.
then appear paradoxical words of the provincial secretary of the CISL, which charges of barbarism Fiom and workers who protested in the CISL headquarters in Castelfranco Emilia. Refoundation Communist party to the week of strikes in the national Fiom and 14 November in Rome, and Fiom CGIL and goes, even today, the support of Communist Refoundation.
It is not irrelevant to recall that CISL contract renewal was signed with the metalworkers' unions from Federmeccanica minority, and that the majority of the union is Fiom metalworkers. Are therefore deeply undemocratic stubbornness of CISL and UIL have refused to consultation among all workers.
the controversy of who as Secretary Tollari Uil Modenese calls "a squad assault" against the one made by Fiom CISL Andreana and who as the Democratic Party "a serious act," we reply that the real "fascist attacks" are those of the master dell'Eutelia in Rome and the "serious acts" are than not to vote for the democratic platform to sell off all the metal workers and the role of the union before the PRC as crisi.La Fiom not think that insult or blow the whistle are the ways to resolve the issues, the fact is that some workers are pushing the crisis and this blatant antidemocraticita 'may lose his temper.
Fiom as the PRC claim the blocking of the dismissals, the extension to all workers of unemployment benefits, doubling the layoffs from 52 to 104 weeks and the increase in unemployment which now comes to 750 € per month. We are also facing the lowest economic renewal of a national agreement on record in history, with wage increases insignificant when it is obvious to everyone that in Italy, after years of wage restraint, it is essential to an immediate increase in wages and salaries .
These are the motives that lead workers to protest today and for the same reasons PRC is on their side.
Provincial Secretary Prc
Stefano Lugli
Head Provincial Labour Prc
Daniel Prampolini
Modena 11/11/2009
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