ROME - "Benedict XVI should not come at the University La Sapienza." Vade the back is a large group of teachers and students of one of the oldest universities in Europe and opens a new front-lay Catholics. The risk is that next Thursday, when he scheduled a speech by the Pope - the third pope to visit their university - should be staging a noisy protest, a sit-in antipapalino shadow of Minerva. The slogan is: "We do not want Ratzinger in the temple of knowledge because it is too reactionary."
The show of shields lay was announced Thursday a letter to the leaders who called the university, January 17, Pope Ratzinger to inaugurate the academic year 2007-08, the 705th Anniversary with. Sixty-seven teachers, including all the most famous physicists of the University, have signed an appeal (published in La Repubblica last) because "this invitation is disconcerting, so I have defined it is revoked.

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