Sunday taking advantage of the day more than decent, I, the legendary Moto Guzzi and Ducati Zacca and Andrea Balla (tempted by the changeover to 'Harley) we took a stroll in the lower valance up to' Harley Davidson Mantua, which coincides with the 'atelier Roberto Rossi which remained some time to admire and praise the XT500 Andrea (see photo first photo). We say that the 'subject of' Open Day (ie the new model 2011) has gone a bit into the background. We spoke with the proud owner of a '71 Shovel really lived and then I talked, in person at last, with Christian of Chopper Paranoid (with whom I apologize for not be able to say goodbye before leaving). There is also the Captain of Royal McQueen Bologan but I have not had the pleasure of knowing. A few photos (bad as made with the phone che al buio non rende):
Sunday whit a good sun day me, the legendary Guzzista Andrea and the Ducatisti Zacca and Balla (tempted by the changeover to 'Harley) we made a little ride in the low lands near Mantova to the Harley Davidson Mantova which coincides with the Atelier of Roberto Rossi , who is remained for some time to admire and praise the Andrea’ s XT500 (see the 1°photo) . We say that the subject of' Open Day (the new model year 2011) has gone a bit into the background. We spoke with the proud owner of a '71 Shovel really lived and then I talked, in person at last, with Cristiano Chopper Paranoid (with Whom I apologize for not Being Able to say goodbye before leaving). There Is Also The Captain of Royal McQueen Bologna But I have not HAD the pleasure of Knowing. Some photos (That bad as made with the phone in the dark does not make it