Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Painting Burlap Duck Decoys

Open Day by Roberto Rossi Hog Wild

Sunday taking advantage of the day more than decent, I, the legendary Moto Guzzi and Ducati Zacca and Andrea Balla (tempted by the changeover to 'Harley) we took a stroll in the lower valance up to' Harley Davidson Mantua, which coincides with the 'atelier Roberto Rossi which remained some time to admire and praise the XT500 Andrea (see photo first photo). We say that the 'subject of' Open Day (ie the new model 2011) has gone a bit into the background. We spoke with the proud owner of a '71 Shovel really lived and then I talked, in person at last, with Christian of Chopper Paranoid (with whom I apologize for not be able to say goodbye before leaving). There is also the Captain of Royal McQueen Bologan but I have not had the pleasure of knowing. A few photos (bad as made with the phone che al buio non rende):

Sunday whit a good sun day me, the legendary Guzzista Andrea and the Ducatisti Zacca and Balla (tempted by the changeover to 'Harley) we made a little ride in the low lands near Mantova    to the    Harley Davidson Mantova which coincides with the Atelier of   Roberto Rossi , who is remained for some time to admire and praise the Andrea’ s XT500 (see the 1°photo) . We say that the subject of' Open Day (the new model year 2011) has gone a bit into the background. We spoke with the proud owner of a '71 Shovel really lived and then I talked, in person at last, with Cristiano Chopper Paranoid (with Whom I apologize for not Being Able to say goodbye before leaving). There Is Also The Captain of Royal McQueen Bologna But I have not HAD the pleasure of Knowing. Some photos (That bad as made with the phone in the dark does not make it

Ovarian Cyst Ruptureyellow

was held Saturday afternoon 's inauguration of the new shop Wild Hog in my opinion, but also who is more experienced than me, is a of the leading manufacturers of bags and leather accessories at national and international level. Welcome the presence of the Blaster. Some pictures below

Saturday afternoon Took The inauguration of the new workshop of Wild Hog in my opinion, But Also Those who are more experienced Than Me, is one of the best producers of leather bags and accessories at the national and international level. Welcome the presence of the Blaster. A few photos below

Friday, September 24, 2010

Wipers Abdominal Exercise

Opening new shop (my) ignorance Mechanics!

stole the picture below to 'friend Springa skewer, first because as he says the bike is really nice, but then to show my ignorance in mechanical at first sight seemed had a change at hand, but then I noticed the change on the left foot and then I said to myself will awake on the clutch pedal and brake lever integrated into the right, but then noted that the tube of 'oil front brake heads to the pedal that I thought was the clutch ........... So I do not understand a club where is the clutch? and then there's the rear brake? In addition I do not see wires down either the right side dell' Ape H. Se qualche d' uno sa illuminarmi diminuirebbe la mia ignoranza nel campo.................

I steal the photo below to a friend  Spiedo of Springa , first because as
he says the bike is really beautiful, but also to highlight my
mechanical ignorance:  at first I seemed to have a speed gear in
hand, but then I noticed the speed gear on the left foot so I
said: it will have the clutch on a pedal and brake integrated into
lever to the rigth, but then known that the pipe 's front brake oil
goes to the pedal that I thought was the clutch...........
So I do not  fuck understand where is  the clutch? And then there's the brake
Rear? addition does not even see wires down the right side
's Ape H. If any of 'enlightened one knows my fall
ignorance in .................