Sunday, February 24, 2008

Adult Film Business In Missouri

Harry Potter in

In response our interview published a few weeks ago with Paul Gulisano, with whom we had a chat about Harry Potter as a result of articles that appeared in L'Osservatore Romano, Edoardo Rialti, author of the piece anti-Potter, sends us the following letter that, on request, publish in full, with a view to contributing to the debate
In a recent interview with dr. Paolo Gulisano, who is a friend of mine, have been given some information and interpretations of the "controversy over Harry Potter " in the Catholic world that led me to want to give your site even my small contribution, so to at least offset some of the considerations which I believe in some cases I can not be shared in other themes erronee.Questi simply and seriously deal with my reflection in a long time and are very close to my heart, because I have the great fantastic stories more than I will ever be possible to express.

England Air Ambulance Trouble

Abortion, doctors: the offensive attack of 'event'

clipped from
The daily Catholic bishops "Future" document released by Fnomceo attacks, the national association of surgeons and dentists, on abortion, the morning after pill, pre-implantation diagnosis in IVF and assistance to extremely premature infants, calling a document "shock" but is not voted by the board of the 103 presidents of the Provincial orders of doctors. A fake, in fact. The reaction of doctors is immediate: "The charge of forgery is offensive: do not joke about these things," said the chairman of the medical college of Florence Antonio Panti.
donne, aborto, legge 194

the 'event' candidacy also attacks the oncologist Umberto Veronesi and the presence of radicals in the lists of the PD.