Sunday, March 23, 2008

Wath Mario Salieri Movies

the first social history? Jesus Christ.

clipped from

The first socialist story? Jesus Christ. No, no joke, but the campaign ad launched by the Socialist Party of Enrico Boselli. One spot, as expected, immediately sparked controversy. Socialists defend compact choice.

"The values \u200b\u200bof Christianity - said Boselli - are not exclusive to anyone, nor the Catholic Church or of any party or politician. With our spot - he continues - we want to reclaim what has always been the mission of the Socialists since they were born, and help defend the weak, demand justice for them. If this means they are believers, then they are all socialists. I just wonder at all in the name of tolerance, to see him before judging it. "

Boselli's party, as well as some left in Italy, has always been the bearer of secularism, exasperated, "said Mario Baccini, secretary of the White Rose which speaks of" a wave of neo-paganism. "

Saturday, March 15, 2008

How Does Alcohol Trigger Herpes

American activist and feminist Starhawk denied entry and deported from Israel.

Thursday March 13, 2008, by Mary Firth - IMEMC News
clipped from
Starhawk, well known American activist was deported by the Israeli government on Thursday.
Starhawk - file 2008
Starhawk, author of many works celebrating the Goddess movement and Earth-based, feminist spirituality arrived in Tel Aviv Wednesday, 12 March.

She was here to help teach a permaculture course in the northern West Bank as well as working with earth activists to develop a project in the Bethlehem area.

Dr. Joanne Taylor, a British psychologist commented on the deportation "clearly the Israeli authorities are paranoid even about letting people grow crops and conserve rainwater on their own land."

Declaring herself as 'a peace, environmental, and global justice activist and trainer, a permaculture designer and teacher, a Pagan and Witch', perhaps this earthy combination was just too threatening for the powers that be. Starhawk's key message is that the power we hold within ourselves has potential to Greater Than Any People Can Have over us.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

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The Church of Benedict speaks about politics because it seeks man

Raffaele Iannuzzi

The inaugural lecture of Cardinal Bagnasco
to the Permanent Council of CEI shows that the
Church can speak of politics in many ways. If
Aristotle could be said in many ways, the Church
politics can be said, just as reasonable, in many ways. Bagnasco not Ruini,
the political animal of the Church, as he has described himself, but it is certainly
a pastor who does not wish to jettison the legacy of his predecessor

And it appears from a recurring element: the language of pastoral
markedly lecture. Paradoxically, they say, and yet, if we think the ground
disruptive policy of Vatican II, which also is
is always defined, loosely to a council the truth "pastoral", the
what appears today as unlikely.

The greatness of the Church of Benedict XVI
content is all in this theological, ethical and cultural policy as a place to put
intervention of faith. Against all
irrelevance of faith itself.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Age To Have Brazilian Wax

Secularism - the relationship between faith and reason

Luigi Agostini

"Science does not redeem man. Science can also destroy mankind and the world, if it is steered by forces that lie outside of it ".

There's Encyclical Spe Salvi, a sentence that expresses the idea with more coincisione of Pope Ratzinger about the relationship with science.

With reference to the heteronomy of science [if it is steered by forces that lie outside of it] Pope Ratzinger proposes a vision in which human reason and ethics are both hopelessly separated, both strongly hierarchical : the first is the ethics, then the right.

unravel this tangle of issues, the new issue of Galileo - so to speak - on the left side of the secular, not be easy, but there are Galileo and Machiavelli, toujours en vedette.

In this scenario the story of Wisdom is only a sign of the times.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Lohri Invitation Cards Punjabi

Italian Job, a dirty job but someone has to do

clipped from

Last night at 21:30, La7 sent yet another episode of the program of inquiry "Italian Job" ("A journey through the crooks and opportunists," says the site ) , in which an exceptional Paolo Calabresi - through special costumes - not enter the environment or to meet people who would otherwise inaccessible. This time the investigation is the Vatican (but not only), which Calabresi reveals some of the contradictions and real conservative positions. Things certainly will not see the "big" television.

The videos are available here and are titled "The Vatican and gays" "The fake employer and the Sacred Rota," "Rich and poor from a Scientology" (divided into two parts).

Monday, March 3, 2008

Sweet'n Low Side Effects

ARM centuries of the Church? What is wrong

Elio Rindone

On September 21, 2007, the participants at the hearing sponsored by the International Centre for Democratic and Christian Democrats (IDC), chaired by Hon. Pier Ferdinando Casini, Benedict XVI urged those present to strive "to ensure that the dissemination and entrenchment of ideologies which obscure and confuse consciences by promoting an illusory vision of truth and goodness."


disturbing words

These words seem to me very disturbing: it would be a mistake, in fact, underestimate the scale of the request, apparently well received by many of those present, to prevent of the spread - or if you reinforce already widespread - the ideologies that can 'obscure and confuse consciences' about the truth and to well, that is, in practice all the ideologies that are not in consonance with Christian doctrine.